Massacre, massacre!

Massacre, massacre!

    1938. In the midst of the Civil War, Madrid is bombed every day by the national air force. The bombs made flesh in the capital. The rage grows in the hearts of the militiamen and the metallic taste of revenge spreads through their throats, as they shout in unison: "Revenge"! A hatred that targets the former soldiers who are seen as the enemy, as the fifth column threatening the Republic. Spanish cainism runs through the pages of this work, characters that show the most primal feelings in man. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, death for death and a cry of terror running through the streets of Spain.

    Technical Info

    Pages and format: 64 pages. Color. Board

    Publication date: 01/02/2024

    ISBN: 978-84-09247-42-4

    Key Points
    • A long and enthusiastic process to build a meticulous work
    • A huge and worthy adaptation of the journalist Manuel Chaves Nogales' work By Fire and Sword. Heroes, Beasts and Martyrs of Spain, one of the best books on the suffering of both sides of the civil war
    Rights Information

    Available worldwide

    Pages and format: 64 pages. Color. Board

    Publication date: 01/02/2024

    ISBN: 978-84-09247-42-4