In a lawless, post-apocalyptic world, the struggle for survival never ends. Hombre knows that to live he must fight to protect himself. His only concern is to save his own skin. He wanders through an unholy jungle populated by people hungry for violence. This dark and violent story is a caricature of today’s world, where individualism has taken over and violence is increasingly prevalent.
Created during the resurgence of Spanish comics in the years after the fall of Franco, Hombre proved to be the most successful. Enjoying popularity in France, the series was printed in albums by publishers Kesselring, Magic Strip and Soleil Productions. English language translations of the series appeared in Heavy Metal during the 1980s and 1990s. In Italy, it appeared starting from 1982 in the magazine Lanciostory.
Hombre can be published in two different volumes. Materials include a 14 pages never seen story.