49th mixed brigade. Chronicle of a soldier

49th mixed brigade. Chronicle of a soldier

    Manuel Pitarch García was twenty-one when the Civil War broke out in Spain, and without thinking twice he decided to enlist as a volunteer on the Republican side. After several months in Madrid, he was sent to Guadalajara, where he joined the 49th Mixed Brigade of the Popular Army. 

    In this comic, Manuel tells his son how about his war experiences, all the places he went, the battles he witnessed, and, of course, a handful of anecdotes that shed light on a lesser-known part of the conflict.

    Jordi and Alain Pitarch recover in this work their grandfather's experience. A tribute to his memory and to all who lived through the atrocity of a war, ensuring that this grey chapter in Spain's history is never forgotten and, hopefully, never repeated.

    Technical Info

    Pages and format: 104 pages. Balck and white with some color pages. Board

    Publication date: 31/01/2023

    ISBN: 978-84-09331-09-3

    Key Points
    • Includes the drama of the bombing of Játiva, during the evacuation of the civil population that were trying to escape, an unjustified act of war which caused more than a hundred deaths and hundreds of wounded
    • A priceless direct testimony of the Spanish Civil War
    Rights Information

    Available worldwide

    Pages and format: 104 pages. Balck and white with some color pages. Board

    Publication date: 31/01/2023

    ISBN: 978-84-09331-09-3